Welcome our New Chairman

Dear Night Stalker Foundation Family and Friends,

I am excited to announce that Bill Golden, a long time Night Stalker, succeeded me as Chairman of the Board on the first of July. Bill’s leadership, energy, business acumen and drive have been, and will be, instrumental in the success we enjoy supporting Night Stalkers and their Families. His vision launched us on this journey to expand the Foundation’s impact on the selfless Soldiers and Families, that we are chartered to support. And, what a journey it has been! In the four years since we embarked on this voyage, we formed world class boards of directors and advisors, organized our efforts around best practices and made huge strides in fundraising to allow us to extend our reach across the Night Stalker community.

The pandemic slowed our efforts a bit, but we were able to make significant headway in having the impact we challenged ourselves to make. In the past four years, our accomplishments include:

1. Increasing the value of scholarships awarded by over fifty percent, this year awarding $250,000 to deserving Night Stalker Family Members.

2. We launched our resilience program, the SOAR Family Collaborative, expertly led by Mrs. Charlie Trussell. Charlie serves as a necessary link to assist Night Stalker Families with the resources and care from the Army and community they need and deserve to thrive in the high stress Night Stalker environment. She also developed and executed numerous programs to provide resilience, communication, and coping skills to over 400 Families and over 750 children and teens.

3. We provided resources to our beloved Families of Fallen Night Stalkers enabling them to develop their own programs and to take advantage of many, many wonderful programs.
I will continue to serve on the Board of Directors and look forward to working with, for and alongside Bill as he leads us to do more for more Night Stalkers and Families. Thank you so much for your generous support that allows us to serve those who serve! You allow us to make a difference! Please welcome Bill and continue to support our cause.

Night Stalkers Don’t Quit!


Kevin W. Mangum
Lieutenant General (retired), U.S. Army
Tenth Colonel of the Regiment

Board Member, Night Stalker Foundation


Black Hawk Down
